Rougemont Juice


The package that we are going to redesign is Rougemont’s 200ml juice box. What we did is to look through its strengths and weaknesses, and we found out that package 1) does not attract target consumers, 2) colour palette needs more contrast 3) a simple structure that likely every juice company use, and 4) need more details and structures. We will also keep some of its strengths such as a clear visual photo of apples, a recyclable material, and its convenience of easy to carry and easy to drink.


Brand history

Lassonde Industries Inc. is a Canadian agri-food company located in Rougemont and Montérégie, with operations throughout North America. The Rougemont brand was born at the foot of a mountain of the same name in 1959, recognized as the apple juice specialist.

Brand positioning

- Apply low acid fruit juice 

- Apple juice made form Canadian apples 

- Canadian-owned company 

- Simple ingredients 

- Low fats & calories 

- Nutrition facts (vitamin C & calcium supplement)

- Synonymous with quality and authenticity

Overview of the retail category 

- Walmart drink section- Costco bottom shelf

 - Loblaws beverage section 

- Sale in a cheap price for large amount 

- Variaty flavours placed side by side

Target market

- Different generations ( children to older) 

- The intake for vitamin C



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